Basic preparations for a beginner gambler to make in 2022

The Basic Tips

To start playing online casino games, you will need:

  1. A reliable Internet connection. 
  2. A personal computer or game console. 
  3. Selected software required for specific games.

After making the above preparations, you can play simple board games such as scrabble or bingo, or online games such as poker, mahjong, and billiards. Another popular category is simulation games; these mimic real-life situations that cover aspects such as combat, urban planning, strategies, as well as flight simulation, and more.

Tips for experienced gamblers


For serious entertainment, you can download online games to your PC, but your computer’s performance must be optimized. To do so, follow these tips:

  • Run the disk defragmenter and organize computer files. Ideally, this should be done at least once a month. 
  • Correct folder and file errors by using ScanDisk, use once a week and your computer will give a smooth performance.
  • Clean your hard drives and delete Internet files, temporary files, and files from the recycle garbage can. 
  • Clear cache and uninstall programs that are not in daily use. 
  • Update operating system software. 
  • Download new security patches. 
  • Keep video drivers up to date. 
  • Free hard disk space, and store files in a backup system.
  •  Minimize the number of programs running: when playing a graphics-intensive game, if there are too many programs running simultaneously, the graphics will be choppy and the game will be slow. 
  • Eliminate the add-on in the game files: wallpapers and other paraphernalia will simply clutter the computer. 
  • Run an anti-virus program regularly, but disable it when loading/playing games. Anti-virus programs slow down games. 
  • Always shut down the computer properly.

Be prepared for online gaming


The Internet allows online gamers to compete with people across oceans, on the other side of the world, and anywhere in the universe. Some use PCs while others use consoles. What you use is a personal choice and depends on issues such as costs, etc.

Before buying a game, you should:

  • Consider the system requirements: some games can run on systems that are not exact, and others need specific hardware. 
  • Find out if the game is single-player or multiplayer. Many games need the Internet, and a broadband connection is more efficient than dial-up. Many, such as Xbox Live, only work with a broadband connection. 
  • Find out if the game can be played with a mouse/keyboard or if you will need a full-function joystick. 
  • Research thoroughly, there are usually several games competing for players within a genre. 
  • Read game reviews before taking the final step.

Be cautious and try a demo before making an actual purchase. Playing a demo benefit both the player and the game developer. Many online games offer free trial periods; beta testing is a great opportunity to find out if the game suits your tastes and finances.